Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Morning Breakfast in the Snow


NCmountainwoman said...

Oh, what a sweet little thing in the snow. And this is coming from a person not fond of squirrels. Guess we always have a space in our hearts for the vulnerable in weather like you are having.

Rob said...

Thank for visiting. Tried to publish your comment but it doesn't seem to happen. I'll keep trying.

Dog_geek said...

Are we talking breakfast for the squirrel, or breakfast for that Big Dog? Cute, though - I can't help putting food out for the squirrels in the winter.

Rob said...

This squirrel has a name. Meet Professor Einstein. He climbs the tree to slightly above the the geight of the bird feeder. Aims at the feeder and leaps, sideswiping the feer, dislodging a good supply of the seed which falls where he can get it. The Big Dog is resigned to gnashinghis teeth. And thanks for making me laugh despite the anxiety over deteriorating eyesight which seems to have intesified in the last 10 days. Hopefully the eye doctor;s appointment at the end of January will bring some solution.

Winter in New England

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